Disclaimer: The material provided in this website is for information only, it’s not medical advice or instruction and any information you consider should be discussed with your physician.

Changes in lifestyle


There is evidence to show that diet triggers BPS/IC, though this may vary from person to person.

  • Foods include: citrus fruits, tomatoes, vinegar and other high-acid foods, spices, hot pepper and chocolate
  • Drinks include: juices and anything that contains citrus, alcohol, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks/soda and artificial sweeteners

So eliminating items from your diet, then reintroducing them one at a time may help determine if this is the case.

You may also start to limit the fluids you drink to reduce discomfort in your pelvis and the amount of times you need to go to the bathroom. However, drinking enough water regularly can help dilute irritants and toxins in the urine and flush the bladder, as well as reduce constipation.

Physical therapy

‘Appropriate’ physical therapy by trained clinicians could be offered to those who have pelvic floor tenderness e.g. manoeuvres that resolve pelvic, abdominal and/or hip muscular trigger points, lengthen muscle contractures and release painful scars and other connective tissue restrictions.

Placing knees against the chest, reclining with spread legs or squatting can help relax muscle in the pelvic floor and increase urinating intervals.

Placing hot or cold packs on the pelvic region or taking a warm bath may relieve discomfort.

Behavioural therapy

Keeping a voiding diary could help you control your fluid intake and plan regular toilet breaks to help with any discomfort or pain. It may also be a good idea to reduce the amount you drink before going to bed.

Psychological therapy

It’s important for you to feel listened to and understood; so getting professional, emotional support (if needed), can help you cope better and ensure your symptoms are taken seriously and not brushed aside as psychosomatic.

It's also a good idea to practice stress management (e.g. meditating, yoga) and improve coping techniques. If all else fails, your doctor may suggest medical intervention.

Find out more about the medications and therapies that are used to treat BPS/IC